Haute Events

New Year, New You, More Yoga: Haute Happenings


Happy 2014!  It’s always exciting to start off a new year, with new resolutions and plans to make ourselves better.  For some it may be to hit the gym, and for other it may be to eat better, as health usually takes a center stage after we indulge during the holidays.  For me, it is more yoga this year (along with a few other things).  In my quest for haute yoga experiences I ran into a few which are really interesting, and worth looking into for any aspiring yogi!

  1. Yoga Journal Live! in San Francisco (Jan 16 – 20) – this weekend-long yoga fest is taking place at the Hyatt Regency Embarcadero in SF, and features tons of classes, workshops, and day long intensives with a lot of master teachers doing special sessions (i.e. Baron Baptiste, Scott Blossom, and more).  Check out all the fun events at http://www.yjevents.com/sf/.  And if you want to check out Yoga Journal Live! events in other cities, check out http://www.yjevents.com.
  2. Personal Retreats – I found out about personal yoga retreats from a site dedicated to booking yoga retreats around the world, bookyogaretreats.com.  Personal retreats are all about you, allowing you the flexibility to attend yoga classes, hike, or just wander at institutes, like the Mount Madonna Center in Monteray, CA.
  3. Yoga workshops and retreats – looking for more structure and intensive learning, many yoga centers and sites offer day and week long retreats and workshops…sounds like a perfect getaway!

I don’t know about you, but I am looking forward to a wonderful, haute and healthy 2014!!

Elements of a Wonderland-themed Tea Party: Haute Events

Looking to host an Alice in Wonderland-themed tea party?  Here are some tips and ideas on how to make the wonder come alive!

1.  Think Whimsy!

Bring randomness and elements of fun to the party like this vintage bird-cage with flower vase inside, or tea stacked in a jewelry box.  This is all about using what you have, and making it more interesting.  Adding quotes and notes from Alice in Wonderland gives it spunk and charm.  


2.  Elegant Elements, Mismatched

Bring elements from high tea like real china tea sets, but place them in mismatched settings for extra fun.


3.  Flowers, Flowers everywhere

Use flowers in various colors to place in various contraptions, from pellegrino bottles to tea tins to large coffee mugs.  This finishes the look with a garden feel.



4.  Bring Color

Bright pink and orange helped brighten the space and made it feel like a fairy-tale. In this case, even mixed-in colors not present in the theme, like red tea pots, added fun.


5.  High food

Rent or use cake displays to build high food, and add a high tea feeling.  This is elegant and fun, depending what you place on there.  Use classics like cucumber sandwiches stacked on cake displays, and ad big containers of lemonade with raspberries and water with cucumber for the guests to enjoy.




Hope you enjoy these tips for an amazing and wonderful, Alice in Wonderland tea party!