Haute eats

Is Cauliflower the new Brussel Sprout?: Haute Eats


Westbridge in Boston
photo credit: Meenakshi Chaku

Open up any restaurant menu these days and you should not be surprised to see cauliflower on the menu.  From it’s days as a filler vegetable, to a mod vegetable, to something many people completely ignored, this is one heck of a comeback.  It may have started as a treat for those low carb dieters to find some hearty relief, and emerged to a nutty and brilliant-when-roasted staple on a restaurant table.


Healthy recipes and add-ons to your daily dish: Haute Eats


If you find it hard to add healthy components to your day, here are some haute recipes and recipe add-ons which will make eating better even more delicious.

Breakfast:  The most important meal of the day is often one we rush through, overlook, or pile on with sugar.  I am a big pancake fan, so I know all about that last one.  In any case, here are some easy ways to make breakfast a bit more healthy and delicious.

Whole Wheat Carrot Muffins Recipe

Super easy and delicious, and not as bad for you.  By adding carrots, I reduce the amount of oil and make this a nice choice for an on-the-go breakfast.

(for 6 muffins)

  • 1 cup whole wheat pancake mix (sub 1/4 cup almond or vanilla protein powder for added kick)
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/3 cup grated carrots
  • 1/4 cup honey/agave (half and half)
  • 1/4 cup oil
  • 1 egg beaten
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract (the real stuff)
  • 2 tbsp ground walnuts (optional)
  • 1 tsp cream cheese softened (optional: if you want a topping)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Line baking trays with cups.  Combine the wet and dry ingredients separately, then together.  Spoon in 3/4 of the way full in each cup.  Bake for 15 – 18 min depending on oven temp.  Fork should come out clean.

Whole wheat carrot muffins

Whole wheat carrot muffins

Blackberry compote for pancakes (I prefer whole wheat pancakes)

Lighten up your pancake topper with fruit + syrup, and boost antioxidants. Not to mention, this is ridiculously easy.

(2 servings)

  • 2 tbsp maple syrup
  • 5 black berries (or other berries work too)
  • fork

Microwave for 30 – 40 seconds, mash with fork, and top your pancakes.

Indulgent and fresh blackberry compote

Indulgent and fresh blackberry compote

Lunch/Dinner:  Add some spring to your lunch and dinner with fresh greens/spinach.  I add spinach to almost anything, and a fresh topper will always lighten your load.

Bean tacos with spring mix/baby spinach

Bean tacos are a staple in my house, with  protein, fiber and magnesium, they are an easy way to lighten “Taco Night”!

  • 1 can black beans or dark red kidney beans, ground in food processor with a little water till smith
  • Spice mix:  2 tsp cumin, 1/2 tsp cayenne, 1/2 tsp paprika, 1/2 tsp garlic powder, 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp dried cilantro (as needed)
  • taco shells of choice (crunchy pictured here)
  • shredded cheese of choice
  • spring mix/baby spinach (50:50)
  • Salsa of choice – pictured here is homemade (tomatoes, onion, salt, cayenne, cilantro, and lime ground together)

Microwave black bean mix with spice mix for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally so they don’t pop (no oil needed).  Top cooked beans on taco shell (use whole wheat tortillas for the healthiest variety).  Add a sprinkle of cheese, a lot of the spring/spinach mix, and salsa.  Enjoy! (makes about 4-6 tacos)

spring mix topped bean tacos

spring mix topped bean tacos


Salad Pizza (not pictured)

Who doesn’t love pizza all the time, but this recipe is inspired by a pizza I had out, and then made for girlfriends who swooned for it.

  • Whole wheat thin pizza crust (pre-made) or individual whole wheat flatbreads
  • Olive oil
  • Salt + pepper
  • garlic clove (1) – cut in half
  • Roasted Tomato Vinaigrette (homemade or store bought – this is your sauce)
  • Spring Mix/Baby Spinach Mix (50:50)
  • Fresh Mozzarella – sliced thin

On a baking sheet, rub a light layer of olive oil on the crusts.  Then rub your garlic clove over the top, with a light sprinkle of s&p.  Add a few slices of mozzarella and bake the pizzas as directed for your crusts (for flatbreads use 350 degree oven for about 10 min).  In a separate bowl, toss salad mix with tomato vinaigrette.  When crusts are done, top them with dressed salad while warm, cut, serve and enjoy!

Hope you relish these quick, easy and light ways to add some freshness to your everyday meals!  Bon Appetite!