good eats

Is Cauliflower the new Brussel Sprout?: Haute Eats


Westbridge in Boston
photo credit: Meenakshi Chaku

Open up any restaurant menu these days and you should not be surprised to see cauliflower on the menu.  From it’s days as a filler vegetable, to a mod vegetable, to something many people completely ignored, this is one heck of a comeback.  It may have started as a treat for those low carb dieters to find some hearty relief, and emerged to a nutty and brilliant-when-roasted staple on a restaurant table.


Super #Smoothie Sundays, Green Coconut Dream: Haute Eats

Green Coconut Dream

Green Coconut Dream

This Super Sunday Smoothie was so delicious I wanted another one right away.  It’s chocked full of great superfoods and hydrating elements, which makes it the ultimate protein packed recovery drink!

  • 1/2 banana (potassium to keep your body balanced + sweetness)
  • 1/2 cup almond milk (make it fresh or use store bought)
  • 1/2 cup coconut water (hydration booster)
  • 1 handfull blueberries (antioxidant packed superfood)
  • 1 scoop Amazing Meal Chocolate Infusion protein powder (vegan plant goodness with protein)
  • 1 tbs chia seeds (more protein and hydration power)
  • 1 handful spinach (iron, calcium, and more)
  • 1 tsp sprouted sunflower butter (iron and more)

Blend (with or without ice) and enjoy!  I also make this ahead to be able to sir it up and drink it right after a workout!  It’s not pretty looking, but tastes amazing!  Cheers to a haute and healthy Sunday and a fabulous week ahead!

#Juicy Mondays, Summer Sunshine #Juice: Haute Eats

taste the #superfood rainbow

taste the #superfood rainbow

I love juicing just about anything, and trying new concoctions when I am able to be near my juicer.  When I am not, I resort to my local Whole Foods green juices, or grab a pack of freeze dried juice to go.  Whether or not the juice is green, orange, red or brown when all mixed up, I love that fresh taste first thing in the morning.

Here’s a great summer juice recipe to keep you going all day long, which is packed with super foods and other yummy treats which are in season.  I try not to juice too many fruits and add more veggies, but in the summer when there are so many good things out there, I can’t resist.

Summer Sunshine Juice

  • 2 cups spinach
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 1 carrot
  • 4 large strawberries
  • 4 large cubes of watermelon
  • 1 1-inch knob of ginger

Juice in juicer if you have one or combine for a delicious smoothie!  Stir and drink up!  (It’s prettier when its not mixed, but just as tasty when it is mixed).  Cheers!